Sprouting Secrets: Reviving Your Garden With Everyday Things!

 In the world of gardening, even in your backyard, innovation and sustainability go hand in hand. Today, I’m going to share with you some of my favorite ways to elevate and kickstart my garden and seeds!

As mentioned in Garden Basics: Soil & Zones, I prefer direct planting in the ground because it aids in soil restoration, although I don’t plant seeds often. Instead, I opt for small plants or sproutlings that I've germinated over 4-10 weeks. Seed germination is the process by which a seed sprouts and begins to grow into a new plant. I love germinating my seeds because it gives plants a better chance to flower and produce while also allowing me to start gardening early.

The first year my family and I began our garden, we repurposed an old dish we no longer needed, filled it with dirt, and grew some cantaloupe sprouts. Although we didn’t get any melons from those sprouts, we had a lot of fun learning about different ways to start our seedlings. The Old Farmer's Almanac provides amazing insights into what seeds need for germination, including moisture, warmth, and oxygen!

Similar to the dish my family and I used for our cantaloupe sprouts, we have discovered a few different ways to start our seedlings using recycled materials. One of my favorite methods is what I call a ‘mini greenhouse’. Essentially, you take a used water bottle, cut it in half, fill it with a small amount of dirt, add your seeds, top it with more dirt, heavily water it, tape over where you cut, add the cap, and leave it in the sun. You should start seeing sprouts within 3 weeks. My daughter actually encouraged us to start using these mini greenhouses, and we have made them multiple times now.

Another favorite gardening hack of mine is repurposing old bookcases that would otherwise be thrown away into sectioned beds. We usually plant companion plants, those that assist each other in growth. Through this, we have successfully grown celery, onions, potatoes, garlic, and various peppers.

Recycling has become a proactive habit not only in my home but also in my garden. It's truly gratifying to witness the benefits of gardening even before plants begin to flower and produce.


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